Help Desk

Connecting via FileZilla FTP

After creating a set of keys and sending to SiteBasin, you will set up FileZilla and then configure your server connection.
  • Download FileZilla and install it on your Windows client machine.
  • Start FileZilla.  Select the Edit ► Settings menu item.
  • Select the Connection ► FTP ► SFTP link in the left window pane.
  • Click the Add key file button and select the private key you saved earlier.  If your private key is protected with a passphrase, click Yes when you are prompted to create an unprotected key file.  Save the unprotected key to a different file name than your protected key and select this unprotected version.
  • Click OK on the Settings window.
  • Select the File ► Site Manager menu item.  Click the New Site button within the Site Manager window.
  • Enter the IP address and port number of your SiteBasin server into the Host and Port fields.
  • Select SFTP as the connection type.  Select Interactive as the Logon Type.
  • Enter your FTP user name into the User field.
  • Click the Connect button at the bottom of the SiteManager window to start your FTP connection.
  • If your private key is protected with a passphrase, you will need to enter it to complete the connection.